
Friday, February 11, 2011

A break from the funnies

Like I said, it's show week and I'm about to die. But let me get on here and share a little tidbit about my tragic play, Othello.

I chose to read Othello because I remember a talk given by Jeffrey R. Holland titled, "How Do I Love Thee?" After reading this play, I am at a loss. I wanted to share with you what Jeffrey R. Holland had to say about this tragedy and what we can learn from its message.

I love this reference Elder Holland mentions. It makes Othello so relatable to everyday human experiences. Of course, it gets a little extreme when the story ends tragically in murder and suicide, but the way we interact with those we love can often turn sour when we look for the bad where it doesn't exist. We must learn from Othello and not be so quick to judge those in our lives, but instead see the best in each other. It might allow our lives for much better interactions and happier dispositions.